Mercedes Benz Apps Comand Online Spotify

Mercedes NTG5 COMAND and Audio 20 Systems. V1.3 - Note that there are some head-unit photos missing, I will add as I get hold of the various units. Mercedes introduced COMAND NTG5 in the W222 S-Class at launch in 2013. This systems was strangely known as NTG5.2 internally.

POIbase makes it possible to enhance most Mercedes-Benz cars featuring a fixed Comand Online sat nav with additional POI's. These include the locations of stationary and mobile safety cameras a well as millions of other points catering to countless different interests. Installing the data on a Comand Online sat nav is easy, fast and simple.

POIbase is compatible with the following Mercedes Comand Online sat navs:

  • Mercedes Comand Online NTG 4.5 (models from 03/2011 and later)
  • Mercedes Comand Online NTG 4.7 (models from 03/2011 and later)
  • Mercedes Comand Online NTG 4.5 (models from 03/2011 and later)
  • Mercedes Comand Online NTG 5.x (tested on S-Class, W222, S500 4matic, EZ 09/14)
  • Mercedes Comand Online NTG 5.5 (not W213, W238)
  • Mercedes MBUX (Comand 6.0)

Additionally, Garmin Map Pilot Systems in Mercedes vehicles are compatible. Details can be found here (German only): Zusätzliche POIs & Blitzer für Garmin Map Pilot

Mercedes benz apps command online spotify playlists


  • Safety cameras can be dsiplayed on the map
  • POI's can be displayed on the map
  • Audio warnings


  • Audio warnings are only available on models from 2013 or later.
  • On the Comand Online NTG 5.0, the number of POI's is restricted to 32,000. Using the POIbase radius search before downloading POI's can be useful in this instance. Newer models such as MBUX can process significantly more POI's.
  • Importing data to the Comand Online System may take somewhat longer than normal (up to 5 min).
  • No Mercedes devices support transferring POI's to the hard disk. This means the SD card or USB stick (MBUX) must remain in the sat nav while the POI's are required.
  • POI's can only be displayed on the map if the zoom level is less than 1 KM (circa half a mile). Audio warnings are not affected by this.

Installation Guide for NTG-Systems 4.xx / 5.xx

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  • Insert an empty SD card in your computer and launch POIbase.
  • Select 'Manual Selection' and then 'Mercedes Comand Online'.
  • Select your SD card as the drive.
  • Click on 'Load POI's and Speed Cams', and then on 'Download Speed Cams' or 'Download POI's'; select any POI categories you wish to install and then click the yellow 'Download' button on the bottom right of the POIbase interface.
  • Insert the SD card in your Mercedes Comand Online sat nav and boot it via the ignition.
  • NTG 4.5: POI's are imported via 'Guide' -> 'Personal POI's'.
  • NTG 5.0: POI's are imported via 'Navi' -> 'Options' -> 'Personal POI's'.
  • The settings can be fine-tuned in the Options for Personal POI's.
  • No Mercedes sat navs transfer POI's to hard disk. The SD card must remain in the sat nav to use POI's.

Installation Guide MBUX

  • Insert an empty FAT32 formatted USB Stick in your PC and launch POIbase.
  • Select 'Manual Selection' and then 'Mercedes Comand Online'.
  • Select your USB-Stick (FAT32) as the drive.
  • Click on 'Load POI's and Speed Cams', and then on 'Download Speed Cams' or 'Download POI's'; select any POI categories you wish to install using the 'Add' button. Use the 'Back' button to access other POI categories.
  • Once you have finished browsing the various categories and selecting them for download, you can double-check them under 'Load POI's and Speed Cams' My Selected POI's'
  • Use the 'Download approx xx POI's ' button to transfer your slection in the so-called GPX-Format to the USB stick.
  • Insert the USB stick into the sat nav in your car and launch it via the ignition.
  • Go to the 'Navigation' menu, select the 'Settings Symbol' and then 'Advanced'.
  • 'Map Settings POI Symbols Personal POI's'
  • Then select the POI category and activate 'Visual' and/or 'Audible' depending upon whether you wish the POI's to be displayed on the map and/or to recieve a warning when approaching them.

Screenshot MBUX System:

Anleitung für Web-Export für Mercedes ist in Arbeit ...

Mercedes Benz Online Chat

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If the user violates these or other applicable Terms and Conditions, then Daimler can restrict or temporarily or permanently suspend the use of the services.
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Daimler assumes no liability for the availability of and uninterrupted access to the services of third parties offered via the Mercedes-Benz apps or for these services and third-party contents being up to date, correct and complete.
Furthermore, Daimler’s liability for breaches of duty arising from simple negligence is excluded insofar as damages arising from death or injury to body or health or warranties are not involved or claims based on the German product liability act are not affected.
Liability for breaches of duties that necessarily have to be fulfilled for the contract to be properly executed and that the user may regularly rely upon to be complied with is furthermore not affected. The same applies for breaches of duty by our vicarious agents.
9. Consent to the Collection, Storage and Use of Data
I hereby consent that my registration data are stored in order to use the services. I hereby consent that a flag (feature) is placed as soon as a Google search result is adopted in the address book or in the destination memory of the navigation system or is selected directly by telephone. This flag is sent anonymously to Google so that the results of search queries can be statistically reviewed; it is deleted by Daimler AG. I can revoke this consent together with the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time using the menu tags “Options – Terms and Conditions of Use”. If the agreement with the Terms and Conditions of Use is revoked, the registration data for the Mercedes-Benz apps are deleted. All saved data are also deleted when the COMAND system in the vehicle is reset.
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