Spotify App On Chromebook Widescreen

Most apps can be removed from this screen extremely easily. Simply right-click or alt-click on an app icon, then click “Remove from Chrome.” Click “Remove” on the confirmation window,. What would a 'Spotify Chrome App' do or look like versus the current web-player? I'm a big spotify user. I Install the Spotify hosted app from the web store and set it to run in a separate window. The Spotify hot keys extension lets control playback even when the window is minimised. Only thing really lack right now is notifications.

Following the steps outlined in this guide you’ll be able to have the full fledged version of Spotify (not the web based or Android App) on your Chromebook!

Chromebook Apps Download


The stars have aligned! Spotify supports Linux, Chromebooks can run Linux – and now the final piece – audio works in Linux apps installed on Chromebooks. So without further ado, here’s how you can install Spotify for Linux on your Chromebook.

Android Apps On Chromebook


Install Spotify On Chromebook

  1. First things first – make sure you have Linux installed on your Chromebook. All set? Next.
  2. Open a Terminal from the Linux apps section of your App Drawer. First you’ll have to add the Spotify repository signing keys so any downloads can be verified. Enter the command:

    sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 931FF8E79F0876134EDDBDCCA87FF9DF48BF1C90

  3. Now enter the following command to add the Spotify repository itself:

    echo deb stable non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list

  4. Next you’ll need to update the list of packages that are available to you by entering the command:

    sudo apt-get update

  5. Almost there! Now to install Spotify, enter:

    sudo apt-get install spotify-client

  6. When prompted, tap the y key to continue.
  7. Once the process has completed and you’re back at a command prompt, close the Terminal. Don’t worry about the warning message.
  8. Return to the Linux apps section of your App Drawer and ta-da – there’s Spotify!
  9. Open it up, sign and and give it a whirl. Notifications even work!
  10. Any other instances of Spotify that you have running will identify your Chromebook as “penguin”
  11. That’s it – enjoy!