Spotify Embed Code From App

/spotify lets you control Spotify from within Slack, quickly view information about, and interact with, what you're listening to, and easily find and share music with the rest of your team. Please note that a Spotify Premium account is required to make use of some features. I see that you can copy embed code in Desktop App, it's good to add Spotify play button to your blog, the music chat. But you can't do this in a mobile platform, it's not difficult, and it'll make mobile app better.

Spotify is probably the most popular global audio streaming service with 271 million users. No matter if you are a professional or amateur musician, you can use the platform to stream your music worldwide. Your audience can literally listen to any of your songs, anywhere and anytime on their smartphones.

Even though music distribution is not a problem anymore, you as DJ, band, manager or institution still have to promote your work to make a living and QR Codes can be a useful asset to do it, especially in the offline world.

Sharing Spotify links and QR Codes

Both the desktop and mobile Spotify App allow you to create a “Shared URL” so you can share and post specific albums, songs or even playlists. Usually, these links are posted on social media publications, through email, WhatsApp messages or published on websites through Spotify Widgets.

These use cases take place online only, but what if I want to tell some to access your new album. Should you tell them to go to look for your album on the search box or to type: ?

This is when QR Codes can become handy.

Create a Spotify QR Code

With the sharing URL you can now proceed to create a dynamic QR Code to link to your music. With a dynamic QR Code on the one hand you can track how many fans scanned your QR Code. On the other hand, you can change the URL in the future, when you want to promote another album or song using the same QR Code.

If your fans have the Spotify App installed the QR Code will deep link them in the app to your song, album or artist page directly.

Create your first Spotify QR Code using our

How you can use Spotify QR Codes to promote your content

Once you have created and designed your QR Code like shown in the video above, you can place the QR Code in the real world to boost your Spotify presence.

1. Concerts

You can paste the QR Code on displays, poster boards, projections, etc. as part of your scenography to have your audience interacting with your online presence while they are in the concert. As an example you can display social QR Codes or your Spotify QR Code before and after the show to have your audience engaging with your online presence.

2. DJ Booth

As a DJ, you usually get asked about the music you are playing. If you want to share your influences or offer an easy way to contact you, placing a QR Code in your DJ area is a good and stylish way to do it.
You can also share your contact data on a QR Code Business card and add a link to your Spotify profile. See for example how Claudio Ricci is using his mobile business card to connect his audience to Spotify.

3. Stickers

Create your own stickers with a QR Code linking to your favourite playlist. It will be the easiest way to share your music preferences with your friends or coffee neighbours.

4. T-Shirts

Design QR Codes and T-Shirts are also a very visual way to promote your music or share your playlists. However, you should take it more as a fancy branding action because reading a QR Code on a T-Shirt can be hard (movement, wrinkles, shades, hair, etc.)

5. Contextual playlists

Gyms, bars, museums, exhibitions, and many other places can offer a music selection to their visitors or customers to inspire or motivate them.

The user only needs to scan a QR Code to enjoy the playlist.

What about the podcasts?

Indeed, Spotify can also be used to subscribe and listen to audio podcasts. The sharing link of the shows and episodes has the same logic as the music files. However, we do not recommend promoting your podcasts using Spotify links.

RSS and Podcasts were born as platform-agnostic file publishing and distribution systems and if you use a Spotify link your podcast can only be listened through Spotify. If the user does not have Spotify he will have to install it even if he/she has another podcast management App.

One can say, the same thing will happen if you redirect to a music file. That is true, but the business model and royaltie’s management of music files are way different than podcasts (at least at this moment).

Create your first Spotify QR Code using our

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This page was printed on Nov 19, 2020. For the current version, visit

After you create a Buy Button in your Shopify admin, you're ready to add it to your own website or blog.

The process of adding embed code to your website's source HTML is a bit different depending on how and where you want your Buy Buttons and cart to appear, on your publishing platform, and sometimes on the theme you're using on that platform.


If you need help with adding embed code to publishing platforms outside of Shopify (such as Squarespace or blogs), then contact your website provider or publishing platform directly for support.

Adding embed code to a blog

You can add embed code to individual posts and to the menu on the home page of your blog.


Embedded Buy Buttons are compatible with the platform but not with This documentation describes WordPress 4.2.2. Your version might be different. You can learn more about WordPress versions on the WordPress support site.


Add embed code to a WordPress post

  1. In Shopify, create a Buy Button and copy its embed code from the Embed Code dialog (or click Copy embed code to clipboard).
  2. From your WordPress dashboard, go to your posts.
  3. Create a new post, or edit an existing post where you want to display a Buy Button.
  4. Depending on the WordPress version you're using, complete one of the following steps:
    • In the post, change the text editor from Visual to Text mode.
    • From the block editor, click the + button, search for Custom HTML, and then click Custom HTML.
  5. Paste the embed code into the text field in the place where you want the Buy Button or collection to appear.
  6. When you're done, click Save Draft, Preview, or Publish.

Add embed code to a Wordpress menu


  1. From your WordPress dashboard, click Appearance.
  2. Click Customize to open the theme editor, and then click Widgets.
  3. Click the name of the area where you want to add the Buy Button or custom cart code.
  4. Open an existing Text widget, or click Add a Widget, and then click Text.
  5. Paste the embed code into the main text field within the Text widget.
  6. Save your changes.


If you want to change the behavior or appearance of your website's cart, then you can add custom cart code to a menu on the home page of your blog.

Adding embed code to your Shopify blog


The Buy Button creates a separate cart. If your customer moves to a different page in your online store, then the item will no longer appear in the cart. You can edit the Buy Button to go directly to the checkout.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Blog Posts.
  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.
  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
  3. Tap Blog posts.
  1. From the Shopify app, tap Store.
  2. In the Sales channels section, tap Online Store.
  3. Tap Blog posts.
  1. From the Blog Posts page, click the title of a blog post you want to edit, or click Add blog post to create a new one.
  2. In the Write your blog post section, click Show HTML in the rich text editor.
  3. Paste your embed code into the main text field.
  4. Click Save.

Adding embed code to Squarespace


Some advanced customizations on Squarespace are theme-specific. These customizations aren't supported by Shopify.

You can add embed code to individual posts in Squarespace and to the menus on your home page. In some cases, you might want to do both. For example, you can embed a cart on your home page to receive purchases from Buy Buttons that you embed on individual posts.


  1. From your Squarespace dashboard, open the webpage where you want to add the embed code.
  2. Find the element on the page where you want the Buy Button or embedded cart to appear, move your cursor over the Page Content area, and then click EDIT.
  3. Click the insert point where you want to add the embed code.
  4. In the More section of the Content Blocks dialog, click Code.
  5. From your Shopify admin, copy the embed code from the Embed Code dialog.
  6. From your Squarespace dashboard, paste the embed code into the CODE dialog. Make sure that the text field is set to receive HTML.
  7. Click APPLY on the EDIT CODE dialog.
  8. Click SAVE again on the page editor. Because Squarespace disables JavaScript in its dashboard, you need to preview your page separately to see the Buy Button or embedded cart that you've added.

If you complete the steps and your Buy Button is not loading, then you might need to disable Ajax loading. To see more details, go to Enable or disable Ajax.


If you add an embedded cart to a menu on your Squarespace home page, then it receives orders from Buy Buttons that you embed on individual posts.

Adding embed code to Wix

After you've created a Buy Button or collection in your Shopify admin, you can add it to your Wix website using the Wix Website Editor.


If you want to embed Buy Buttons for multiple products or collections, then you need to edit the embed code before adding it to the Wix HTML code widget. If you embed more than one Buy Button into your Wix website without editing the embed code, then customers trying to buy more than one product see a separate cart for each product.

If you want to display more than one product on your Wix website without editing the embed code, then you can embed a collection. You can create a new collection in your Shopify admin for the products that you want to display on Wix.


  1. From your Shopify admin, create a Buy Button for a product or collection, and then copy its embed code.


When you create your Buy Button for a Wix website, you cannot use the Redirect in the same tab option because of Wix limitations.

  1. From your Wix account, find the site you want to edit in the My Sites section, and then click Edit Site.
  2. In the Wix Website Editor, click the + button, and then click More.
  3. Click HTML Code to add an HTML code widget to the page.
  4. Click Enter Code.
  5. On the HTML Settings dialog, paste the embed code for your Buy Button or collection in the Add your code here field and then click Update.
  6. Resize the HTML code widget to fit its contents. If you are creating an embed with a cart, then make sure the cart tab appears in the right place.
  7. When you're done, click Save.

Embed multiple products or collections


  1. From your Shopify admin, create a Buy Button for a product or collection, and then copy its embed code.
  2. Paste the code into a code editor or the Wix website builder. Repeat the first two steps until you have created the Buy Buttons you need.
  3. Edit the embed codes to make sure they display in the proper alignment.
  4. From your Wix account, find the site you want to edit in the My Sites section, and then click Edit Site.
  5. In the Wix Website Editor, click the + button, and then click More.
  6. Click HTML Code to add an HTML code widget to the page.
  7. Click Enter Code.
  8. On the HTML Settings dialog, paste the edited code for your Buy Buttons in the Add your code here field and then click Update.
  9. Resize the HTML code widget to fit its contents. If you are creating an embed with a cart, then make sure the cart tab appears in the right place.
  10. When you're done, click Save.


Need help using the Wix Editor? Contact Wix Support.

Add script tags separately

Some platforms (like Unbounce) require that you paste the embed code's <script> tags in the page header, and the rest of the embed code on the page where you want the Buy Button to appear.

Spotify Embed Code From App Download


Spotify Embed

  1. From the embed code that's generated when you create a Buy Button, copy both the <div> element and the <script> element. For example:

  2. Open the page header for the website where you want to embed a Buy Button.

  3. Paste the entire <script> element in the page header.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. From the original embed code in your Shopify admin, copy only the <div> element. For example:

  6. Open the page on your website where you want to embed a Buy Button.

  7. Paste the <div> code snippet into the page.

  8. Save your changes.